Eltham Cricket Club.

The home of friendly cricket in South-East London and Kent

Eltham Cricket Club Rules

Incorporating revisions from AGM 20th March 2023

Rules 1-7

1. The Club shall be known as Eltham Cricket Club.
2. The official colours of the club are scarlet, gold and silver.
3. The Club shall be run by a Management Committee consisting of Chairman, Secretary, Fixture Secretary, Treasurer, Members Representative, Team Secretary and all existing Captains and Vice Captains to be elected annually at the club AGM. This Management Committee has the power to co-opt members for meetings as necessary.
4. Any person wishing to become a Member of the Club must be acceptable to the Management Committee.
5. The Club Membership Fee shall be £50 per annum for playing Members who are salaried or wage-earning; £10 per annum for playing Members who are not salaried or wage-earning; £1 per annum for non-playing Members and £1 per annum for lady Members. All fees must be paid within one month of the commencement of each playing season. An extra £5 is to be levied if subscription is not paid by the end of June. A reduced fee may be allowed, should the management so decide, for any Member joining after the commencement of the playing season. Only Members who have paid their full subscription will be allowed to participate in any of the Club's activities.
6. The subscription shall be £10 per match for Members who are salaried or wage-earning and £5.00 per match for Members who are not salaried or wage-earning. In the event of a match being abandoned for any reason whatsoever, such subscription shall be paid where not less than 15 overs have been bowled. Non-Members pay by conscience £5.00.
7. Under no circumstances whatsoever will monies be refunded, except at the discretion of the Management Committee.

Rules 8-14

8. All Club funds shall be held in a joint bank account by the Treasurer and at least one other member of the Management Committee, (e.g. Treasurer and Secretary to cover absence of either Chairman or a nominated Vice President)
9. All Club finances shall be handled by the Treasurer and all books and supporting vouchers shall be audited before each Annual General Meeting by two or more auditors, who shall be elected annually.
10. Should the Club cease to function, a period of twelve months shall elapse before the disposal of the Club's assets.
11. Any Member summoned to attend before the Management Committee shall be given seven days clear notice and be informed for what reason his/her attendance is required. If the case requires possible disciplinary action then the Chairman is empowered to create a 'Discipline Committee' of 3 Committee members to hear the case.
12. Any Member shall have the right to attend a Management Committee Meeting to put forward his or her case, provided the Secretary is given seven days notice in writing.
13. The Management Committee has the power to expel or suspend from the Club any Member who is guilty of misconduct after adherence to Rules 11 and 12. This member has the right of appeal and should contact the Club Chairman if he/she wishes to pursue this course of action. The Chairman is then empowered to create an 'Appeal Committee' of 3 Committee members, different from those who made up the 'Discipline Committee', to hear the appeal.
14. The Management Committee may call a General Meeting at any time, giving Members fourteen days notice of the intention.

Rules 15-21

15. Any ten members may, on demand, call a General Meeting, provided that the Secretary is given fourteen days clear notice of such a meeting.
16. All Club books and stationery are the property of the Club and must be handed to the new Officers elected at every Annual General Meeting.
17. Non-playing Members are eligible for all offices in the Club except those of Captain and Vice-Captain, and may vote on all matters, excepting the election of Captain and Vice-Captain.
18. Team selection will be made by the Committee, consisting of Captain, Vice-Captain and Team Secretary.
19. Any Member not available to play must notify Selection Committee not later than the preceding weekend.
20. Lateness will not be tolerated by any player unavailable to play at the time of toss-up, and therefore shall be liable to a fine of £1 at the discretion of the Captain.
21. All matters arising on the field of play shall be left entirely to the discretion of the Captain.

Rules 22-28

22. All Members must co-operate fully in looking after the Club's property.
23. The Club accepts no liability for the property of Members.
24. No property of the Club, nor any property for which the Club is responsible, is to be removed without the prior consent of the Management Committee.
25. The Club shall abide by the rules of play of the Club Cricket Conference.
26. Averages will be submitted to the Management Committee after the season has finished and will include such matches as the Committee consider appropriate. Play continued after a result in matches, will not be included in the averages. Once agreed, these averages will be presented to the members at the Club dinner or AGM, whichever takes place first.
27. Membership will automatically lapse in the event of annual subscriptions being in arrears at the publication of the balance sheet, at the discretion of the Management Committee.
28. Should any amendment to these rules be required, seven days clear notice must be given in writing to the Secretary, prior to the Annual General Meeting, stating what alteration is proposed.

Rules 29-30

29. Acceptance of all these rules is a prior condition of Membership of the Club.
30. The Management Committee will hold a minimum of 2 meetings each year, in addition to the AGM.

Rules are as revised at the AGM held on 20/03/2023

Appendix A

  Amendments and additions to Rules 5 and 6 at AGM March 2023
  • Averages shall in future be listed in descending order of individual average for qualifying players.
  • For the presentation of trophies the qualification shall be:
    • Best Batting Average Award:
      7 completed innings
    • Best Bowling Average Award:
      Minimum 40 overs
    • Fielding Award:
      To be decided by the Committee for "best fielder of the year"
    • Eric Bristow Trophy:
      To be decided by club member vote prior to dinner
    • Fred Hill Award (WG Grace Trophy):
      To be decided by the Committee for some aspect of on field play, e.g. sportsmanship, "champagne moment", most improved player, all-round contribution
  • Such presentations shall be made only to those members who are fully paid by the last fixture of the season.

    Motion on standing orders

      The following standing orders to replace all existing standing orders:-
    1. Four Members will constitute a quorum for a Management Committee meeting.
    2. Ten Members will constitute a quorum for a General Meeting.
    3. Playing Members shall not exceed thirty in number.
    4. The Management Committee may at their discretion transfer money from current to deposit account or vice versa at any time without the prior consent of the Annual General Meeting.
    5. In the event of the Club disbanding, assets will be converted into cash and shared among Members in proportion to the length of membership in whole years expressed as a fraction of the aggregate whole years membership of all paid up Members.
    6. Only the Management Committee will have the authority to cancel matches, but may delegate this authority as they see fit.
    7. Interpretation of the rules and standing orders will be vested in the Management Committee.