Tue, 5th June, 2012

Vs Sarisbury Athletic CC

Match Cancelled

Matt's idea of contemplation normally is - four or six?

Match Report

Match report Eltham CC Vs Sarisbury Athletic CC

Heavy rain over most of the South of England caused this match to be cancelled, thankfully just before the Eltham party got in their cars for the log drive over to Southampton.

Plans for the day were hastily redrawn. The Dorset Cricket Centre made up for their lapse on Saturday where the keys had gone missing and allowed us to use the facilities for an indoor match, which saw huge but ultimately uncuccessful cheating from vice-skipper Bulpitt. Skipper Swain's team won the day, aided by a powerful first performance for eltham by his son Elliot, who put the rest of us to shame - particularly shamed was Adam Ainsworth, bowled by a beauty from Elliot.

We then drove off to Poole for tenpin bowling at Tower Park, where Pete Swain again triumphed, top-scoring with a 190 ("I used to average 175!" was heard afterwards). Thanks to Carol for booking this for us.

Last up was an evening meal at the Nelson Tavern, a speciality Thai restaurant. the food was lovely, the manner in which the food was brought out was a bit random though! C'est la vie, as they say.

So, a good day despite the awful weather. Hinton Admiral tomorrow if the clouds can give us a break...